There is nothing I love more than looking at the workspaces of creatives on the net. Pinterest is a fantastic source for this. Be it artists, furniture makers, illustrators, designers, anyone who MAKES. There is just something about a creative space. A place filled with colour, tools, ideas, scraps, inspiration and much more. A place to make a mess without it being considered a mess. A place to experiment and test. So many possibilities…
Here is a little glimpse into my work space. Definitely my happy place. Apart from the obvious fabric, wool and equipment needed for work, it is home to quite a mix of what some would consider random objects. Postcards, books, origami, colouring books (to keep niece and nephews entertained) and more!
Do you have pictures of your workspace or desk at work? Please send a link! Would love to see.
Have a great week!
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